Books for the TBR Pile... 'Blogging Again!' Edition
And... I'm back! Did you miss me? I missed you and that's why I'm back, thanks for popping by and keeping the place going while I was gone ;o)
I ended up being away for a little longer than I'd planned. December was all about getting over my surgery and I'll be honest, it was a total write off for reading anything so there was no point in blogging. And then January, and a little bit of February, was about the follow-up appointments plus some other doctor/hospital stuff that's still ongoing. Hopefully I'm going to get most of that sorted fairly soon (fingers crossed). I've also been trying to stay on top of work which has really been stressing me out and that is why I've come back to give blogging another go. I need something fun to take my mind off the stress so... Lets see how I do with this... ;o) I don't think I'm at a post a day right now but I'll try and keep it interesting. It won't surprise you though to learn that I still haven't finished reading 'Into the Narrowdark', I'm working on it!
To kick things off, it won't surprise you that I've been buying books because of course I've been buying books. I really need to find another way to deal with my stress... Enough of that though, lets take a look at what came home with me over the last few days...
I took my youngest to a charity book sale, in Blackheath, the other day and I'll be honest... I was a little jealous that she managed to find a whole armful of books while I only came away with Clive Barker's 'Mister B. Gone'. That's the way the Hunt goes sometimes but I still had to try and redress the balance a little and there was an Oxfam up the road so... In we went ;o)
I will never say no to an 'Old World' novel and it doesn't get a lot older than the origin story of Nagash so 'Nagash the Sorcerer' was an easy purchase. And it has been far too long since I've read anything by Robin Hobb so it was really easy to pick up 'Assassin's Apprentice' as well. Honour was satisfied, just a little bit. And 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' is what happens if you watch a whole load of 'Sinbad' movies and then realise that you lent someone your old copy, it happens.
And then we were in Greenwich Oxfam on Saturday. No books for her this time (she has a lot more restraint than I do) but I found these two beauties. I used to enjoy watching the old movies (even that one where they worshipped an atomic bomb...) so it didn't take too much for me to grab these books.
If you haven't read the Crescent Moon one, give it plenty of time. I won't go so far as to say its garbage, but well, it ain't aliens.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck in your ongoing recovery...
Welcome back!