‘Broken Honour’ – Robert Earl (Black Library)

One trap that I think every blogger falls into, at least once during their time, is that we never seem to find the time to go back and re-read our old favourites. Think about it, we’re all on a reading journey and that means moving forwards all the time; whether that’s reading the latest ARC or reading an older book that you’ve never tried. There doesn’t seem to be the time to look back or maybe there is, tell me that I’m wrong, I’m feeling a little sad about it all But anyway… I’ve always thought that life is too short to be reading books that I don’t enjoy and if it feels like hard work then I’m clearly doing something wrong And those old favourites aren’t going to read themselves so… Here I am. I loved ‘Broken Honour’, back in the day, and now that I’d finally found another copy , it was time to re-visit it and see if it was the book that I remembered. The armies of Hochland are at breaking point. Beset on all sides by the feral beastmen, the safe...