Books for the TBR Pile... 'More Charity Shop Gold' Edition

The hunt for books never ends, even though it probably should, given the size of my flat and the fact that I don't read as quickly as I used to... Something to think about then but in the meantime, another week has gone by and here I am, more books ;o)

I've said it before but as much as I love regular bookshops, I really enjoy heading into charity shops and seeing what's on the shelves. There are no surprises with what's on the shelves of Waterstones but you never know what you'll find if you head into the Red Cross or British Heart Foundation shops and that's what I love. There might be nothing worth picking up or... you might find something very cool. Which is what I found this week, lets take a look...

I already have a copy of 'Characters from Tolkien' (which is the same book, different title) but I've always been after a copy of 'A Tolkien Bestiary'. Now I've found one and it only set me back £2, so not really a set back at all ;o) I won't be reviewing it though, I already had a few things to say about it over Here.
And 'The Institute'... I'm pretty good at reading 'early Stephen King' but need to make some serious inroads into his more recent books and 'The Institute' seemed like a good place to start. To be read... I don't know for certain but it's on the TBR pile now ;o)

And here's the 'speculative purchase' picture. I have no idea about any of these books but they all looked like they might be worth a shot so here they are. To be read as and when I fancy something a little different. Have you given any of these books a go? What did you think?

And finally... These weren't charity shop purchases at all :o) I really enjoyed 'The Mist' (the other day) and fancied a couple more King novellas in these editions. To be read... probably sooner than the other books in this post; these are relatively quick reads ;o)

And that's your lot for this week. Anything here catch your eye? As always, leave a comment and let me know :o)


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