Books for the TBR Pile... 'The Laziest Saturday' Edition

That's what today will be :o) After the last week at work, I'm pretty sure I deserve it. I've got some books that I'd like to catch up on, maybe a little telly to watch and... that's it ;o) What books are you dipping into this weekend?

Books continue to turn up at my place far faster than I am able to read them. I really need to stop buying books every time I have a rough day at work, it would certainly free up some room in my flat! But anyway... While we're here, we may as well take a look at the latest batch to arrive; a few from eBay and a few from a favourite bookshop of mine...

I've been looking for more 'Gotrek & Felix' books so when I came across these two on eBay, I had to have a little bid and ended up winning the lot. 'Shamanslayer' leads straight into 'Zombieslayer' (which I also have, somewhere...) so will probably give that a go first. 
And 'Spear of Shadows'... I didn't have a lot of luck with this book the first time I tried it (a 'Did Not Finish' back in the day) but I'm enjoying my 'Age of Sigmar' reading, these days, and it came with the 'Gotrek & Felix' books so I thought that maybe it was time to give it another go. To be read... at some point soon (hopefully).

'Dominion' was the last book in the Warhammer Bundle, I don't think I've ever read a 'Warhammer' Vampire book so it could be an interesting read but I'm not in a huge hurry to pick it up. 'Men at Arms' though, I can see myself getting to that one sooner (I could do with a few laughs at the moment). I'm always partial to some City Watch, this might even be my next 'commuting read', we'll see.

Actually, I suspect that one of these books will be my next 'commuting read', probably 'Doomsday Disciples' I reckon. I was in town, for Chinese New Year, last weekend and popped into 'Any Amount of Books' (on Charing Cross Road) to see what was what. There wasn't really any SFF that caught my eye but they had a pile of these books downstairs so I thought I'd grab a handful and see how they went. I'll be sure to let you know ;o)

And that's that for this week :o) Anything here caught your eye? Leave a comment and let me know...


  1. I love those Josh Kirby covers on the Discworld books! So much better than the U.S. editions.

    1. Nine times out of ten, I'd pick a US cover over the UK equivalent; the tenth spot is reserved specifically for Josh Kirby 'Discworld' cover art ;o)


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