‘The Cimmerian Vol. 3: Iron Shadows in the Moon & The Man-Eaters of Zamboula’ – Augustin, Gess & Sienty (Ablaze)

This is going to be a quick post today as damn how many emails did I come back after my week off…? Too many, that’s how many. I fought my way free of them, last night, but have to dive back into them today. Wish me luck… There’s also the fact that I’m starting to run out of things to say about this series which, so far, has been consistently excellent. And that’s lovely but there are only so many times that you can say the same thing before you end up secretly hoping that the next book will be rubbish, just so you have so something different to say. And I don’t want these books to be rubbish, I just want to keep enjoying them 😊 I’m still going to collect them, I suspect this will be the last review you see though (maybe…) And on that note, lets talk ‘The Cimmerian Vol 3’… In Iron Shadows in the Moon, a young woman in danger is pursued by her vile master. Conan, whose family has just been wiped out by this same master, puts an end to the beauty's pursuer, and saves her with a...