Books for the TBR Pile... 'Late!' Edition

I thought I'd give myself the weekend off you see... ;o) And by that I mean I was up at Heathrow Airport, collecting my ex and the kids, on the Saturday and then back round theirs, on the Sunday, to help them get ready to go away again. It was a busy weekend and I'll be honest, the last thing I wanted to do was any blogging so... I didn't :o) 

All of which means that I've still got the weekend posts, that I was going to do over the... you know, as a little bit of insurance against what is shaping up to be a hectic week (before I go on leave again next week). Lets not hang around then. Here's a quick look at some books that have turned up recently and for whatever reason, didn't get their time in the sun. Until now that is...

You know how it is... You've had a crap day and so you buy yourself a little treat to cheer yourself up. I really need to find other ways of cheering myself up, like reading all these books that I've bought myself. But anyway, we're here now :o) I've really been enjoying my 'Age of Sigmar' reading so 'Storm Vault' was a must read (and by 'must read', I mean 'just as soon as I've finished a couple of other must reads'...) 'Last Resort' is written by Josh Reynolds and has zombies in it, that's all I needed to know ;o) Out of the two, 'Last Resort' will probably be read first.

For the first time in years, I finally made it back to the second hand book market on the South Bank! You should check it out if you ever get a chance, it is full of great books; well... apart from these two because I bought them ;o) I keep meaning to read more Sven Hassel but for now, I'll just have to keep buying them as I find them. Just need to work out what order they go in. And 'King Kull', well... I do have a copy of the Del Rey collection but I fell in love with the cover and here we are. Two books that will definitely be read but a little further down the line.

And last but not least... I've been meaning to read more 'Spawn' and this copy of Volume 2 will be read just as soon as I work out what happened to Volume 1, I know it's on a shelf somewhere...

And that's your lot for this week ;o) Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know.


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