Books for the TBR Pile... 'I'm On Leave!' Edition

Yesterday was a hell of a day (hence no blog post, sorry about that...) but I got through it and now I'm on leave until a week on Tuesday, go me ;o) I'm taking a week off to be with my daughters and have some fun so I don't know what that's going to mean for the blog to be honest, there might be a post every day but it's just as likely that I give it a rest for a week (work has been tough and I could do with a break). I don't know, lets see how it goes shall we...? 

In the meantime, lets take a look at the books that found their way to my doorstep over the last couple of days. There were a few... ;o)

I saw the two 'Doctor Who' omnibuses in the British Heart Foundation shop and that was an easy purchase. I will very rarely turn down the chance to buy Doctor Who books, especially if they're comic books. I can see myself reading one of these over the next week, don't know which one though.

And 'Black Beth'... I saw this mentioned on Twitter by @AnthonyPerconti (who really knows his stuff as far as books go, you should listen to him) and had to grab a copy for myself; if it's a fantasy comic then I will read it ;o) It only arrived yesterday afternoon (while I was trying to untangle myself from work before going on leave) so haven't had a chance for a proper look. That'll happen this weekend...

And the books, the books... 'Mother London' caught my eye while I was looking at the Doctor Who comic books. It's not the copy of 'The Jewel in the Skull' that I'm looking for but it's a book that I haven't read yet so of course I took it home. Not a priority read at the moment, just pleased to have a copy on my shelf ;o)

'Christine' came home with me because I'd bought a whole load of books for my eldest daughter, in Crofton Books, saw this book and thought 'You know what? You deserve it...' Reader, I did not deserve it but bought it anyway ;o) I don't know when I'll get to it but I'm enjoying that cover so maybe a little sooner than expected?

And 'The Children of Hurin'...? A simple answer... I was having a shit day and thought I'd cheer myself up with a book. One day I will make my own happiness but today is not that day ;o) Maybe tomorrow...

And that's your lot for this week. Is there anything here you'd like to see me read first? Leave a comment and let me know... ;o)


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