'Nurgle's Gift' & 'The Tallyman' – Guy Haley, Anthony Reynolds (Black Library)

We're getting to that point of the summer holiday where we're trying to cram as much as we can into what's left before the kids go back to school. And it's been good today, I took my youngest on a little journey round the Natural History Museum and to the 'Comic and Book Exchange' at Notting Hill Gate. Lets just say that she was more impressed with one than the other, I'll let you guess which was which... ;o) It didn't leave a lot of time for reading though. Funnily enough, it feels like I'll get more reading done when I go back to work tomorrow (and the kids go back to school). Luckily though, I had a 'Warhammer 40K, Quick Read' on my Kindle, waiting to be read, and here I am, ready to share some thoughts on the whole thing. I've always had a soft spot for the Chaos Marines who are in it for nothing more than to glorify their patron gods by just doing what they do. The World Eaters are an obvious example and I do love my fighty little ...