Books for the TBR Pile... 'Almost Payday, Almost...' Edition

It's that time of the month again where I'm just on the wrong side of payday and am feverishly 'clock watching' in the vain hope that time will somehow speed up and get me over the line quicker. You know what I mean don't you? Of course you do ;o) Oh well, it could be a lot worse... I just recently completed my third year in my current job and it is still really nice to have that stability after being long(ish) term unemployed. When you look at it like that, waiting a couple more days to get paid suddenly doesn't seem that bad. I still wish payday would hurry itself up and get here though (I've got a day off to look forward to as well...)

Being that time of the month then, the book hunting has slowed right down to a crawl but it hasn't stopped entirely though, it never does ;o) Just a couple of books, this time round, but one of them is awesome so that's ok. I'm sure the other one is too but, I've never read it...

I watch a lot of sci-fi but as far as reading it goes... Well, that doesn't really happen an awful lot outside of Warhammer 40K fiction, if at all. For me, life is too short (these days) to be reading anything other than what I enjoy and I enjoy reading fantasy/horror a lot more than I enjoy reading sci-fi. Having said all that though... I am collecting 'Sci-Fi Masterworks' as I see them (because I enjoy contradicting myself and hey, maybe one day I'll read them...) and 'A Deepness in the Sky' did have a cool spaceship on the cover... I've never read it and it could be a long while before I get round to it but in the meantime, the 'Yellow Spine Section', of my bookshelves, just got a bit more yellow ;o) Have some blurb while you're here.

A Deepness In the Sky is the story of Pham Nuwen, a small cog in the interstellar trading fleet of the Queng Ho. Both they and the Emergents are orbiting Arachna, a dormant planet which will shortly wake up when its On/Off star relights after decades of darkness. Both groups hope to exploit the coming age of technology and commerce on Arachna. But while the Queng Ho seek only to trade aggressively, the Emergents plans are far more sinister, amounting to little short of genocide . . .

'Smoke and Mirrors' came home with me for more simple reasons. I love this collection of short stories and thought I had a copy that I could just pick up when I wanted a particular story. Turns out that my old copy went the way of a lot of my books (over the last few years) and I'd completely forgotten. When I saw this copy then, I grabbed it and I'll make sure that this one sticks around. As far as the blog goes, I'll probably be dipping into 'Smoke and Mirrors' every now and then and posting my thoughts on a short story or two...

That's that for this week then. I've got a payday book shopping tripped planned, for this week, so next week's post will have a bit more meat on it... ;o)


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