Movie Night! 'The Suicide Squad' (2021) & 'Godzilla vs Kong' (2021)

By the end of yesterday, I was more than ready for the weekend... Not a bad week at work but as ever, loads to do and only one of me to do it all before my leave next week. Oh well, I did what I could and I'm pretty sure that I haven't left anything that can't wait until I get back (fingers crossed...)

I wasn't in any real state for reading though but that was ok as I went to see 'The Suicide Squad' last night and followed it up with 'Godzilla vs Kong', over breakfast, this morning. Both films were just what the Doctor ordered, albeit for very different reasons. Okay... Both of them were filled with explosions but apart from that.. ;o) Which film should I start things off with?

'Godzilla vs. Kong'

I'm starting off with 'Godzilla vs. Kong' as although it is a lot of fun to watch, it's also lightweight to the point where it would float off in a stiff breeze. It doesn't give you a lot to write about but you know what? That's ok :o) If you're watching a film called 'Godzilla vs Kong' for a complicated and gripping plot then you really need to have a word with yourself. I watched it purely to see Godzilla and Kong beat the absolute shit of each other and on that level, it was money well spent. Seriously, those bits were amazing and what film is all about for me. Mechagodzilla looked a little too 'Power Rangers' for me but it's not like it was on screen for too long... ;o)

Good, solid, fun then but an hour after watching it, the only thing you'll remember is that Godzilla and Kong had a fight on a boat. If that's what you want, this is your film. Who won? Who cares ;o)

'The Suicide Squad'

Wow, just wow... It's coming up on twenty four hours since I was in the cinema, watching this, and I'm still blown away by how good 'The Suicide Squad' was, especially given how good its predecessor wasn't... 'The Suicide Squad' hasn't been released all that long (I think) so I won't say too much about the plot other than that there's a suicide mission for our team (because that's the whole point of this team-up) and it is so much fun watching the team bond while things blow up around them (in some cases, other team members).

James Gunn has got form for making great films about dysfunctional family units, finding common cause, but it was still something to see a group this dysfunctional come together in a hail of gunfire, explosions, rats and coloured dots. And flowers, loads and loads of flowers. Again, the plot is fairly straightforward but the real joy is watching the characters navigate it with all their quirks (and by quirks, I actually mean psychoses). I'm a little bit in love with Ratcatcher 2, I just want to give Polka-Dot Man a big hug and be King Shark's friend. There's a lot more to Harley Quinn than just manic misdeeds as well, it's good to see a little character development happening there.

The bottom line is that you should really go and check out 'The Suicide Squad', it's like 'Suicide Squad' never happened and that is not a bad thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this movie is the one that finally kicks off a successful DC franchise.


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