Books for the TBR Pile... 'Those Bloody Cats...' Edition

Just to be clear, I've got nothing against cats in general; I think they're quite sweet and everything. It's just the cats that I'm looking after while my friends are away, they're the ones that I have a bit of a problem with and mostly because they've suddenly decided that pooping in the litter box isn't for them any more. Oh no, while I'm here they've got no problem with pooping wherever the need takes them and leaving it for me to find and clean up. And coughing up hair balls as well, the little dicks... Having said all that though, one of them did kill a massive spider and leave it on the kitchen floor me. Possibly, a peace offering, I'm not sure... Anyway, rant over ;o) Maybe I'm not such a cat person after all...

Books though? I'm definitely a book person and as luck would have it, the last week was a good one for coming across interesting books during my 'charity shop trawls'. It was all comic books this time which is cool, I need to change things around, a bit, with my reading and reading more comic books is always a good place to start. Lets take a look at what came home with me this time.

I read the first volume of  'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' years ago but somehow never got round to reading the rest of the series (if you're me, this is very easily done). I saw these two books in Traid and knew that I had to pick them up. I think you'll probably see them feature here soon but there are a couple of others that I want to read first...

I saw the 'Y The Last Man' trailer, a couple of weeks ago, and immediately marked it down as one of those series that I really need to watch but should check out the books first. As luck would have it (and I love it when this happens), I came across the first volume in Traid and grabbed it straight away. I'm just finishing off the last 'Walking Dead' book and then I'll be on to this. 
'The Lords of Misery' wasn't a 'charity shop find' at all. It's been on my Amazon wishlist for ages and I was having a rough week.. The next thing I knew, it turned up on the doorstep; how did that happen...? ;o) I'll be getting into this after I've read 'Y The Last Man' (or just before, could go either way).

And that's that for this week. Not the biggest bookhaul ever but I think there's some good reading here :o) How about you? Have you read any of these books...? Leave a comment and let me know.


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