'The Mandalorian, Season Two' – Episode 16: 'The Rescue'

And that's it... No more 'Mandalorian', at least for now. I'm now on the lookout for a new show (or shows) to watch. Any recommendations...? It doesn't feel like it's been eight weeks since Season 2 kicked off and that's really the measure of how much I've enjoyed it. 'The Mandalorian' hasn't been a perfect ride, here and there, but what it has been is a show that's been so easy to get into and get lost in. Characters, that I wanted to stick with, doing cool 'Star Wars' things that reminded me what it was like when I saw 'A New Hope' for the first time, you can't ask for a lot more than that really.

And now it's done. There's nothing for it then but to talk about 'The Rescue'. I say 'talk'... I'm invoking the 'no spoilers here' rule again as the episode has only been out a few hours and I know I'd hate it if someone spoiled it for me... It's the decent thing to do ;o) So no spoilers then, just some quick thoughts on 'The Rescue'...

'The Rescue' is what the whole show has been building up to so I'm not going to rehash the plot too much. We know where Grogu is, we know that Moff Gideon has him and we know that Din Djarin and 'Friends' (if you can call them that) are on the way to rescue the little green fella. That's all you need to know about that really. The fights are fun but the conclusion is a little too obvious, Grogu's 'message from Tython' is answered and seeing that we've met Ahsoka already, that narrows down the list of potential Jedi that might answer. You can guess who it is. If not, the internet will tell you; I won't though. That particular ending is a little weird if you ask me... It feels very cold and forced, and it's not Djarin who's being the cold one for a change. As far as that goes, it's amazing to see the emotion almost come through on a face that spends very little time outside a helmet. Djarin may be on his own again but you'd like to think that the experience has changed him and will continue to change who he is. On the Jedi side though, I'm going to say that the whole 'younger face' technology thing is great but needs a lot of work if it's going to show any emotion in the characters that it's used on. Like I said, it felt cold and like it didn't really do this character the justice they deserved.

'The Rescue' is about endings though and there is one more to come. If you watch the end credits, you'll see what Boba Fett and Fennec Shand go on to do and not only does it make for a nice little ending scene, it promises great things for the new 'Boba Fett' series that's out next year. I won't say too much here, you need to see it for yourself.

This is a bit of a weird post to end 'The Mandalorian' on as it feels like I'm not saying an awful lot. If I'm being honest, the coldness of the 'Grogu Ending' robs the episode of a lot of what it wanted to be but the camaraderie, and cool fights with robots, goes a way towards making up for that. What an ending for Fett though and it's a little more intense given the sad news about Jeremy Bulloch. A strange finale then but a great series overall and that's the main thing, isn't it?

My other 'Mandalorian Season 2' reviews can be found below,

Episode 15 - The Believer

Episode 14 - The Tragedy

Episode 13 - The Jedi

Episode 12 - The Siege

Episode 11 - The Heiress

Episode 10 - The Passenger

Episode 9 - The Marshall


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