Books for the TBR Pile... 'Glad to see the back of this week!' Edition

An old landlady of mine used to say that she could tell how bad a week I'd had by the number of Amazon packages that would arrive, addressed to me. I wonder what she'd make of all the books that came home with me over the past week and a bit... This week hasn't been all bad to be fair (me and my eldest daughter are working our way through 'The Walking Dead' on Prime, that is always cool), but it has been pretty grim in places and I'm glad it's done. Just in time to tackle next week head on ;o) Enough of that though, lets take a look at those books... From the top... It has been years since I read the 'Sword of Shadows' series, long enough that all my old copies are long gone now. With the end of the series (finally) rumoured to be in sight, I thought I'd have another crack at reading the books and that's why 'A Cavern of Black Ice' is sat at the top of the pile. 'The Tripods Trilogy' was an impulse buy from 'Any Amount o...