Books for the TBR Pile - Mini TBR Pile of Dreams' Edition!

I'll be honest, I'm still feeling pretty rough over here so this is going to be a short post today. That's not the only reason for the short post though, we're into the last few days before payday and things are a little too tight to be buying loads of books (plus I really am trying to read what's on my shelves first...). That hasn't stopped a couple of books coming home with me though, check em' out...

I found this copy of 'The Bachman Books' in a charity shop near the hospital while I was waiting for them to sort out some new heart medication for me (now there's a sentence that really makes me feel old...) It doesn't have 'Rage' in it, not a huge deal (and I completely get why it's no longer in the collection, I just fancied reading it again), but it does have everything else so don't be too surprised to see posts on those stories pop up over the next few months.
'The Hounds of Ash' came onto my radar after I'd posted about 'The Wind That Sweeps The Stars' the other day. I'd always fancied reading this too and seeing it especially cheap, on Amazon, sealed the deal. I wouldn't mind getting to this one soon as well but we'll see because, well...

I did say I was going to try and prioritize books that were already on my book shelf (and there are a few) this year, here's a few that I'm going to try and prioritize first.

I'm getting back into 'Into the Narrowdark' at the moment but after that, it will be something off this pile that's read next. It will be one of 'Elfsorrow', 'The Grim Company', 'Prince of Thorns' or 'The Hunger of the Gods'; which one would you like me to tackle first? Comments in the usual place ;o)


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