Books for the TBR Pile... 'Been A While...' Edition

Well, not that long but it feels like it's been ages since I've done one of these posts so that's what I'm going with ;o) If only that meant I hadn't been buying books but... I have, I really have. My inability to pass up a Guy N. Smith book on eBay, or any one of a number of old school fantasy reads is as much of a problem as ever but the postal strikes have meant that hardly any of them have made it to my doorstep... Not yet anyway. You can expect a massive book post this time next week but in the meantime...

A few have shown up though, three to be precise, and one of them because I found it in a charity shop. Lets take a look,

A speculative look in the Red Cross shop ended up with my coming home with a copy of 'Stormrider' and now my 'Rigante' collection is complete, I can't really put off the re-read any longer. So yep, there will definitely be a 'Stormrider' post, you just might have to wait for it a bit.

And 'Goblin'... I've got no idea other than that I was having a rubbish day, the other day, and it popped up on Amazon so I thought I'd have it. The kids are going ice skating tomorrow so 'Goblin' may well be the book I read while I watch them and my ex skate round in circles, I haven't decided yet. And no, I don't do ice-skating, it never ends well when I do ;o)

Remember those 'Slaine' comic books I bought in the last book post? Well, it turns out that you can get 'Slaine' in regular books as well so that's just what I did. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a post a little closer to Christmas, it depends on how a few other books go first.

And that's your lot for this week. Like I said, I'm hoping for a few more packages to arrive this week so next week's post should be twice the size at least ;o) Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know...


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