Books for the TBR Pile... 'Late, again...' Edition.

Look, I spent most of yesterday with a kitten asleep on me and when she wasn't sleeping, I was trying to prise a rabbit out from under my daughter's bed. And if you've ever seen a rabbit building barricades (and she was, she really was) then you'll understand why I didn't post yesterday ;o) And as for today... Well, the least said about that, the better...

I'm here now though and I got paid the other day so yep, a few books landed on my doorstep. Should we take a look at them? Should we...? Go on then :o)

Excuse the 'camera work', 'TerrorTome' has a shiny cover and I didn't want my reflection all over the picture (and neither do you, you're welcome). What we have here is possibly the most important horror novel ever... and 'The Fog' ;o) I'm reading 'TerrorTome' at the moment and it's, well... I'll let you know when my review goes up. I've been listening to the 'Breakfast in the Ruins Halloween Special' so bowed to the inevitable and grabbed a copy of 'The Fog'. To be reviewed... Soon, hopefully.

I had half a mind to do a big 'Slaine Re-Read' but saw that a load of the books aren't in print right now (and are going for silly money because of it) so compromised on a re-read of the first two books (hence, 'Timekiller') along with 'Lord of the Beasts' because damn look at the warp spasm on the cover :o) Now, if I can find my copy of 'Warrior's Dawn' then I can have a go at reading what I have roughly in order. Or...

Or I could just go straight to the end and read 'Dragon Tamer'... That'll teach me to go by the price and not by the reading order ;o) What to do, what to do...

Well, that's an answer for another day but if you think there's something here that I should read first then don't be shy, leave a comment under the post.


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