‘The Raid 2’ (2014)

Well, the plan was to watch some Doctor Who last night but my DVD player developed a dislike to the two DVDs that I tried in it, and time was ticking away, so I thought I’d give something else a go instead. I’d thoroughly enjoyed ‘The Raid’, when I watched it back in May, and had been meaning to get acquainted with ‘The Raid 2’ ever since but never quite managed it… Until last night when I saw it in the DVD pile and thought to myself, ‘why not…?’

So when my pizza arrived, that’s exactly what I did 😊

Having fought his way out of a building full of gangsters and madmen, Rama thought he could resume a normal life. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

His triumph attracted the attention of the criminal underworld, and with his family at risk, Rama’s only choice is to go undercover and begin a new terrifying odyssey of violence.

‘The Raid 2’ is one of those movies that’s lucky enough not to have to try very hard as it’s predecessor was so good that… Well, all it really needs to do is more of the same and it will be just fine πŸ˜‰ And so that’s exactly what ‘The Raid 2’ does, delivers more of the same, but all credit to this movie, it doesn’t try and rest on the laurels of its predecessor. It’s the same mixture of fights and double/triple crossing plot but everything is dialled up a notch so it all looks amazing and the twists and turns of the plot kept me guessing the whole way through.

That’s not to say  that ‘The Raid 2’ hits the target every time though. We’re looking at a film that is very much driven by it’s fight scenes and while that’s not a bad thing for the likes of me (I love a film that’s all fight), the plot can be left by the wayside a little which is a shame when for the rest of the time, it all hangs together so well.

That’s a really small quibble though, ‘The Raid 2’ ended up being just what I needed last night and the time just flew by while I was watching it, you wouldn’t have thought it was over two hours long… Visually spectacular, with a decent plot to back it up, and some solid performances from the cast (and a couple of ‘V/H/S/2’ cameos as well, which made this viewer very happy, I love that movie as well). It took me a while to get round to it but I’m really glad that I finally gave ‘The Raid 2’ a shot.


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