Movie Night! 'Tag' and 'The Raid'

Well, it hasn't exactly been the week from hell but the last couple of days in particular have been purgatory... ;o) That's another week where I can safely that I'm glad to see the back of it! There hasn't been an awful lot of reading done this week and today was no different, my work laptop went off and I couldn't even look at a book, not tonight. A couple of movies it was then ;o)

I try to keep my Prime watch list topped up with movie fodder, for days like this, and I was able to find a couple of movies that looked like they'd help me unwind a little and get me through to the weekend proper. As it happened, maybe I should have read the blurb (for one of them) a little more closely...

'Tag' (2015)

Mitsuko is the sole survivor of a bizarre paranormal incident that kills all of her classmates. Running for her life, Mitsuko seemingly slips into an alternate reality, but death and chaos seems to follow her everywhere.

Well, that wasn't the movie that I thought I was sitting down to watch; serves me right for not paying more attention to the trailer and accompanying blurb. 'Tag' was a surprisingly thoughtful, and unsettling of course, 'multi-verse' piece that also felt like it had something to say about the way Japanese women are treated (at least it did from where I was sat). And if that wasn't enough, there were flashes of 'surprise gore' that I didn't see coming. One of those movies where I finish it and realise that I never need to watch it again as it has done everything that it needed to, very clear and to the point. While I was watching it though, I was completely into it (I've developed a habit of falling asleep during movies so this was a nice surprise). You can find 'Tag' on Shudder.

'The Raid' (2012)

Deep in the heart of one of Jakarta's most deprived slums stands an impenetrable high-rise apartment block. To most it is 30 floors of Hell to be avoided at all costs and is considered a no-go area by even the bravest and most experienced police officers.

It's been a few years since I last saw 'The Raid' so while I knew what I was getting into, it still felt like I was going into it fairly cold. And I loved it, of course I loved it, it was just what I needed after the day that I'd had. Full of non-stop fights and three plot lines crossing (and double crossing) each other, 'The Raid' didn't give me a lot of choice over watching it, I was into it the whole way through. If that doesn't tell you what I thought of it; after I'd finished watching it, I went straight onto Amazon and ordered 'The Raid 2' which I'm hoping to watch real soon.

'The Raid' is also on Shudder, I'm getting my money's worth this month ;o)


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