Books for the TBR Pile... 'It's that time of year...' Edition

My least favourite time of year to be honest. The kids go back to school and when they come home, they bring all sorts of germs and stuff with them... And it's like the germs all get together and make a pact to be the best/worst guests to their hosts... And this is why I'm sat here, shivering in my dressing gown, feeling like something a cat has thrown up.

Not a long post today then but there are still plenty of books to show off :o) Last week's 'Old World' package was a post all by itself but there have been other books turning up as well, lets take a look at them, shall we? ;o)

Has it really been forty years of Fighting Fantasy? According to 'Secrets of Salamonis' and 'Shadow of the Giants' it absolutely has been and there was no way that I was not going to have copies of these to read to my girls. Finding the time is going to be a little tricky, now they're back at school, but not impossible, never impossible ;o) Look out for posts very soon.

I'm always looking out for more 'Old World' stories so when I saw 'Tales of the Old World', it was an easy purchase. I'll likely dip in and out of this every time I fancy a short story post.
I really enjoyed 'Dark Imperium', back in July, and I've finally managed to track down an affordable copy of the sequel. I've got a few other books that I need to read first but like I said, I really enjoyed 'Dark Imperium' so don't want to leave 'Plague War' alone for too long.

Because sometimes, you just want some spiders in your horror (even though it cast a whole new light on the one in my bathroom...) While we're here, 'Spiders' freaked me out so much that I had to go and pick up 'Infestation' once I'd finished it. You can expect reviews of both very soon...

And last but not least... Thanks to the inestimable Michael of 'Track of Words', I have a copy of Ian Watson's 'Inquisitor', with the most glorious cover I've ever seen (look at it!), while my spare copy of 'Warblade' has found a very good home. Everyone was happy :o) 
Again, it won't be read quite yet but with that cover, 'Inquisitor' has pushed itself up the TBR pile. Don't be surprised if I pick this one up after scaring myself to death with spiders...

And that's it for this week I'm afraid, I'm going to go and have a Lemsip or something. Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know.


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