Books for the TBR Pile... 'Back to the Old World' Edition.

Sorry for the 'blog silence' over the last couple of days... My girls came back from holiday, on Saturday, and there was never a question of my choosing between blogging and hanging out with them, they're great and I missed them :o) I've got a nice little pile of finished books though, so this week will be worth sticking around for; even more so if I can finish a couple of the books that I've got on the go. We'll see how it all goes...

In the meantime though, you're here for the book pictures aren't you? ;o) It's been a brilliant week for all that... If you've been around these parts for a while, you'll know that as much as I'm coming to enjoy the 'Age of Sigmar' books, I've always loved the 'Old World' setting and books. Things have to move on sometimes but I was gutted when the Old World breathed its last and I'm still a bit gutted to tell you the truth. Well... I can put all that to one side, for a bit anyway, as a random browse through Facebook led me to a group with a post selling a whole load of Warhammer Fantasy 'Old World' books for a price that I would have been stupid to ignore... So I didn't ;o) Turns out that Facebook is good something after all.

I've got some other books on the go right now but don't be too surprised if you see some of the following books pop up in my reading this side of Christmas...

I now own the whole 'Konrad' trilogy! I've only ever read the first book so am keen to see where the story takes me. And I ended up with an extra copy of 'Warblade' if anyone wants it?

I've read 'Riders of the Dead', way back in the day, but never got round to reading a copy of 'Hammers of Ulric' that I owned but had to get rid of . Looking forward to getting into these books sooner rather than later (how 'sooner' remains to be seen though, I've got a lot of other books to read as well)

I'll be completely honest, I've never read either of these book and only know as much about them as the blurb could tell me. It's 'Old World' though and that's all I need right now :o) They're not priority reads but I'm looking forward to reading them when I get the chance.

I love the whole Bretonnian thing (I mean, knights in armour...) and this collection is a nightmare to track down at a decent price so when I saw it in this bundle, honestly.. I really didn't hang around making the purchase. Again, to be read as and when I can make a gap in my other reading.

And that's it for this week but seriously, don't you think that's enough? I do ;o) Are there any books here that you'd like to see me bump up the TBR pile? Leave a comment and let me know...


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