Books For The TBR Pile... 'Finally Found Them!' Edition

This was meant to be yesterday's post but in a stroke of irony, I somehow managed to mislay the books in a tiny flat that's full of books. Talk about the perfect camouflage... ;o) I finally found them, just far too late to make it a 'Saturday Post', so here we are :o) Lets take a look...

The 'Catch-Up' Books...

I really enjoyed 'Priest of Bones', back in February, and figured it was way past time that I continued reading so I found myself a copy of 'Priest of Lies'. There are loads of books that I need to get to first but I'm hoping that I can get to 'Priest of Lies' when I go on leave next week. We'll see.

I found myself a copy of David Gemmell's 'Bloodstone', not so long ago, and it very quickly became clear that I needed to start from the beginning of that series if it was going to make any sense to me; that's where 'Wolf In Shadow' comes in ;o) This is a definite 'holiday read', I'm really looking forward to my week off but that's another story...

The 'Black Library' Books...

I'm really getting into the 'Warhammer Horror' line, these days, so 'The Harrowed Paths' was a must buy, in particular for the Jake Ozga (I loved 'The Skull Throne') and Lora Gray ('He Feasts Forever' is worth a look) entries. I'll be dipping in and out of this book as and when the mood takes me ;o)
I've been meaning to pick up 'Dark Imperium' for a long time and finally took the leap yesterday. I may be the only Roboute Guilliman fan out there so am looking forward to seeing what Guy Haley does with him.

Don't expect to see 'Pulp Horror' get a post of it's own, I thought I'd pick up a copy to get some ideas about what 'old school' horror that I should be reading. Lets just say that if you like your pulp horror, this is a book that you could do with reading.
'The Cimmerian (vol. 2)' though... That will definitely have it's time on the blog ;o) The books that I've picked up, so far, have been good so I've got high hopes for this one too. Looking to get stuck into it this week so expect a review soon.

And that's that for this week, anything here catch your eye? Or is there anything here that you've enjoyed and think I should bump to the top of the pile? Leave a comment and let me know... ;o)


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