‘Hawkeye’ – Season 1, Episode 5: ‘Ronin’

It has been another one of those days, there seem to be far too many of these at the moment but what can you do apart from just do what you can and make it through one way or another? I’ve got a day off on Friday, which I am really looking forward to now (there will be book shopping and loads of it) and then it’s just one more week until Christmas 😊 One step at a time, I’ll get there.

Luckily though, although today was one of those days, it was also one of those days that gives you a new episode of ‘Hawkeye’ and after what happened in last week’s episode, I really needed to see what happened next. I mean, we all knew it wouldn’t be the end for Kate and Clint but half the fun is seeing how it happens, you know what I mean? All of which leads me here to tell you all about it 😉 The short answers are ‘damn…’ and ‘bloody hell…’ Stick with me for a bit and I’ll see if I can elaborate on those a bit for you.

Before I kick off though… As always, I’m not going to go into the plot in any great detail (click Here for the ‘Tor Re-Cap’ if you want detail) but I am going to be very spoilery because, well… everyone else seems to have thrown caution to the wind and it’s late so I’m throwing caution to the wind as well, just so I can make this a ‘today post’ rather than a ‘first thing tomorrow’ post. So there, you’ve been warned.

If you’re still here, let’s get going…

‘Ronin’ is that typical ‘pre-finale’ episode where everything suddenly starts to become clearer but there are still some big questions to be answered. The show has been hinting at a certain character entering the MCU, for some weeks, but I was still pretty damn awestruck to see him hanging out with Eleanor like it was no big deal. I’m not sure if we’ll get an explanation, as to his sudden appearance, but I like to think he’s been around the whole time and only now has decided to show his face. Either way, a whole seamier side of the MCU has just opened for business and I’m really excited to see where it all goes next. Before any of that though, we need to find out ‘why now?’ and ‘what’s going on with Eleanor?’ That’s what next week is for but in the meantime, I love how ‘Hawkeye’ plays with our perception of what the story is. You think you’re watching one thing, then…

Which leads me onto Maya and Clint but not so much Kate. Kate’s path appears to be set now but Maya is at a real crossroads here and could go either way. Clint… Clint is also at a crossroads but looks like he’s trying to help everyone else while not paying much attention to where he goes next. That’s the fate of a hero, I guess, but Clint is hurting now and you can’t help but wonder how much he has left to give…

And just what the hell is the business with the watch all about? And will Clint be in any state to make it home for Christmas? And where is Lucky the Pizzadog going to end up when the dust settles? My money is on Grills but we’ll see. And I still need to watch ‘Black Widow’ so don’t have an awful lot to say about Yelena at the moment. What I will say though is that if you thought Monica Rambeau’s ‘post snap’ return was powerful, Yelena’s is possibly even more so.

‘Ronin’ is basically loads of action (the fight in the car lot is superb) that contrives to leave everything on a knife edge for next week. I cannot wait to see it all come together, I’ll bet you can’t either.


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