‘Hawkeye’ – Season 1, Episode 4: ‘Partners, Am I Right?’

I know that I've left it right until the end of the day but it has been one of those days (again) and I needed an hour or two to breathe, and calm down a bit, before coming here and posting. I'd tell you but... you're here for some 'Hawkeye' and I respect that. Lets just say that I'm really looking forward to Christmas getting here and being able to switch off for a bit ;o)

So without going into detail then, you've probably guessed that this latest episode of 'Hawkeye' was a bit of a lifeline today. Something to treat myself with once I'd got through the rough stuff. Did 'Partners, Am I Right?' do it's job though? I'll tell you more in a bit but for now... Yep, of course it did. As always, I'm not going to outline the plot here (Tor.com has already done it so you can read that if you want to) but there's every chance that I'll get spoilery with what I discuss. Actually, lets not beat around the bush, I will get spoilery so be warned. If you want to go away and watch Episode 4 first, I'm cool with that. If you're still here, lets go...

What I really enjoyed about this episode was that while it's very much about getting everything set up for the finale, you still feel like things have moved along a bit in the meantime. Clint is slowly but surely ticking stuff off this list, Kate is getting to the bottom of her own mystery and even Lucky the Pizza Dog is getting fed more regularly. And there are really sweet moments that come out of this with Kate realising what Clint is giving up for her and trying to make up for it a little. The spirit of Christmas is well and truly here and it's lovely, up to and including where Kate figures out that Clint was Ronin and is cool about it. It's all lovely, even though you get this feeling that we're a few minutes away from it all kicking off again, which it does...

And then... Damn, I really should have watched 'Black Widow' before watching this episode... Not that it's a deal breaker, I'd have just had a little prior knowledge about who Yelena is and why she is gunning for Clint. The fight scene was brilliant though, of course it was, with Yelena and Maya fighting each other while trying to finish off Clint and Kate. Or were they...? I think there's a little more story to be told here and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next there. This show has the capacity to surprise and I think it will, even though there are only a couple of episodes left.

That final scene between Clint and Kate... You know that it's not that clear-cut and that Kate and Clint will be back together before the end of Episode 5 but... It's so heartfelt with Clint really getting how serious things are and trying to protect Kate by pushing her out of it; and you can feel the betrayal in Kate, her hero has basically cut her out and she doesn't know how to handle that. What a place to leave things hanging for next week. It's bloody good, the whole thing.

The plot is definitely thickening then and it feels like it's as sharp as one of Clint's arrows. Everything is happening for a reason and I can't wait for next week to find out more. And I haven't even got round to whether there's a Kingpin lurking in the background (I really hope that there is), I guess we'll have to wait and find out for that as well.


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