What I'll be reading in July (because it never hurts to be optimistic, he says...)

 Damn, July kind of crept up on me... The amount of rain we've had here, I was settling quite happily into an 'Autumn Vibe' and now it turns out that it's still summer...? July isn't a favourite month of mine, in part because my year end review squats right in the middle of it and no matter how I really do with my job, the little anxiety demon always pays a visit to tell me otherwise. Watch out for a post, around the 21st, where I breathe a big sigh of relief that it's all done for another year. There are other reasons too but 'Year End Review' is the big one; I'm just going to have to grit my teeth and get this month over with...

Oh well :o) It's not all bad when you have a pile of books and DVDs to work your way through in the quiet moments. And talking of which...

It was around about this time (ish) last month that I was all full of 'I'm going to read all these books in June, just watch me!' Here's the post, just to jog your memory. Well... I read quite a bit last month but as far as reading the books on the 'June TBR Pile' went... Well it didn't, not really. Here's what I managed to get through,

'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe' - Douglas Adams

'Last Sword of Power' - David Gemmell

'Mania' - Guy N. Smith

'Werenight' - Eric Iverson (who is really Harry Turtledove, I'm still processing that)

I did read a lot of other stuff, just not the stuff I intended to read, and I'm attributing the change in direction to work getting really intense, all of a sudden, as well as 'home stuff' pushing me towards more entertaining reads about giant spiders and mutant Triops (not all in the same book). And that's the last I'll link to old reviews in this post ;o) There was also the fact that 'Malice' took a little longer to get going than I thought it would and that didn't leave me much time to get into anything else. I still haven't finished it... It's a shame then that I couldn't read more from the 'June TBR Pile' but it's not as if all those books aren't still there waiting to be read.

So where does that leave things for July...? Well, I thought I'd try a different approach this month, less books but slightly more to read...

I'm putting 'Malice' to one side this month (unless I finish both of these books then it's back on again) as I've been looking forward to both of these books for a long time and just want to curl up somewhere and read them ;o) That 'hint of a bookmark' will tell you that I've already started on 'The Righteous'.
I fancy my chances of finishing both books this month I reckon; 'The Righteous' flows very smoothly and 'The God is Not Willing' looks pretty slim compared to Erikson's normal output. Lets see how we do.

If I need a break from the 'big thick books', these are what I'll be getting into to. There's a Guy N. Smith read there because of course there is :o) 'Wheels of Terror' is as far away from Fantasy as you can get (so will make for a nice change if needed) and as for 'Dannus'... Fucking 'Dannus', that's all I'll say for now.

This month's reading pile already looks a little more manageable than last months (and I know there will be other books read just because they happened to catch my eye). Let's meet back here next month and see how many I polished off, shall we...?


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