What I'm Going To Try And Read In March...

So, at the beginning of last month (more or less) I posted a picture of all the books I was reading and invited your laughter at my  strange ability to start several books at once and somehow finish precisely none of them... Well, roughly a month has gone by and I thought it might be cool to make it monthly feature on the blog and actually see what I've been able to finish (or not) Here we are then, it's the beginning of March and the 'In Progress TBR Pile' is looking a little something like this,

So, not the best month for reading then (the books in the picture anyway, I did read other things)... Out of last month's pile, I managed to finish 'Eric' and 'The Fortress of the Pearl' (review to come) but nothing else. I'm blaming work (of which there was loads). Of course, you could look at that picture and say that I read 40% of the books in the pile. That sounds a lot better doesn't it? Thank you ;o)

My workload hasn't gone down at all, this month, but I've decided to be all optimistic and say that I'm going to do better this month. Of course, that depends on how well I get on with D.W. Ross' 'Cold From The North' which is looking promising so far (but needs to hurry up a little).

Three of the books were in last months picture so I won't say any more about them here. I've stuck a couple of Michael Moorcock books on top ('The Oak and the Ram' and 'Sailor on the Seas of Fate') as they're quick reads and they're both a part of series where I want to keep some semblance of momentum going. 
I found 'The Magos' lurking under my bed and grabbed it because it's jammed full of short stories and I like reading short stories at the moment/ And they're all by Dan Abnett, the original master of Warhammer 40K. 'Carpe Jugulum' is there as part of my revisiting old favourites by Terry Pratchett. I can't even remember the last time I read it so definitely time I gave it another go. And 'The Pale Horseman'... I loved 'The Last Kingdom' and didn't want to leave it too long before picking up the series again.

I'm not saying that I'll finish all of these books, it's just as likely that I won't finish any of them. These are the books that I'm going to try and read though. Any suggestions on which one I pick up first?


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