An 'In Progress' TBR Pile...

This week hasn't been a bad one but it just hasn't been a week conducive to reading. In fact, the only reading I've really done (apart from 'An Occurrence in Crazy Bear Valley')  has been going through the feedback covering the documentation that I produce for work... One day, I will produce something for work that's perfect straight off the bat; not today though. Seriously, I could barely see what I'd written underneath everything else that everyone else had written. 

But anyway... In the absence of anything else, I thought it might be fun to post a picture of the books that I'm trying (and failing) to read right now. You can all laugh at my inability to finish all the cool books that everyone else read months ago ;o) I know it's not a race but I'm coming last anyway... When you've all finished laughing, maybe leave a comment saying what book I should concentrate on at the expense of all the others? Go on... Anyway, take a look at these lovely books, most of them with their spines hardly cracked... ;o)

I'll be honest, 'Eric' is there because it's an easy re-read (which I love) and it made me laugh to have 'Eric' and Elric' next to each other; now there's a crossover... Yes, I've picked up 'The Fortress of the Pearl' again. I don't like being beaten by a book, especially one that I know I'll end up enjoying.

'The Only Good Indians'... If there were more hours in the day, I'd have finished this book on Monday (it's good). Actually, if there were more hours in the day I'd probably have to use them to get more work done. I'll stick with the hours that I've got.

'The Call of the Bone Ships' is just amazing (what I've been able to read anyway) but the world is almost too rich... I get all engrossed, feel like I've been reading for ages and then look up to see a quarter of an hour has gone by and I've only read three pages. Again, I hate being beaten by books that I know I'll enjoy.

And last but not least, 'The Living Dead'. I'll be honest here and say that I'm taking my time over this one as it's the last bit of original zombie media that we'll see with Romero's name on it. It's yet to really get going but I've got faith in it, it'll happen :o)

And that's what the TBR Pile looks like at the moment. What book would you read first...?


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