Books for the TBR Pile... 'Triffids!' Edition

Not here, on the telly while I'm writing this ;o) I've got the 1961 film on in the background, just so the flat doesn't feel completely quiet, and while it's not true to the book at all, it's actually not a bad movie. I'll have more to say on it soon(ish), it just depends on what else I watch over the course of today.

Talking of which... Sorry for the silent blog yesterday. I had my girls over and we ended up going into town for a little 'Forbidden Planet' shopping, rounded off with a decent helping of McDonalds afterwards. Much as I enjoy my blog, spending time with my daughters is a million times better so... No blogging yesterday :o)

That's enough of that though. This week was another tough one so of course, I was in and out of bookshops and a fair few came home with me. Also, there were a few books that should have gone in last week's post but I completely forgot. We're not too bothered about that though, are we...? ;o)

I was at a funeral last week and then it was straight home for another hospital appointment. Waterloo station has a branch of Foyles so I popped in on my way home and that's where 'The Jasad Heir' and 'The Complete Aliens Collection' found themselves about my person (after I'd paid!) and on the way to Bagel Factory before jumping on the train. The former looked like it could be fun, and I want to read more Fantasy at the moment, while the latter will definitely be fun; it's 'Aliens', it can't be anything else but fun :o) 'Weird Sisters' is what happens if I win £10 on a scratchcard and am poring through Waterstones during my lunch break. There are a few stories that I want to read here, hopefully they will feature sooner rather than later. And Volume 2 of 'The Book of Swords' is a book that I've been looking to pick up for a while, Volume 1 was feeling lonely on the shelf. It's more short stories so again, hopefully we'll see it feature here in the short term.

On the way home from another Docter's sppointment, I stopped in a few charity shops. I've said it before but it's worth repeating. There's nothing wrong with regular bookshops but I love how can you can find things that you didn't even know you were looking for inside a charity shop. This time round it was 'The Player of Games', 'Lud in the Mist' and 'If it bleeds', about a pound on each book. If I had to pick one that is mostly likely to feature here first... 'If it bleeds' is a fairly safe bet.

And 'Greenteeth' is what happens if I've just been to the dentist and I'm feeling all sorry for myself. I've got to have another tooth pulled so was very much feeling sorry for myself... Womble's Review got me all intrigued and now, here we are :o) Hopefully, it won't be too long before I get to it.

And... That's your lot for this week. Anything here catch your eye? Leaev a comment and let me know.


  1. And another tooth pulled? You have my sympathies!

    I saw "Weird Sisters" and thought it was a Discworld book. Then it turns out to be an anthology. Small literary world I guess :-D

    1. It's the same tooth, just had it confirmed is all. And you know what, that's half the reason I went with 'Weird Sisters' over the other anthologies on the shelf ;o)

  2. Weird Sisters looks interesting. I love those British Library editions! Lud In the Mist is on my to-read list but I don't have a copy yet.

  3. I've got a few of these editions now, they're great for dipping in and out of :o) And this isn't my first copy of Lud In The Mist but I'm hoping it will be the first one that I actually read, fingers crossed...


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