A Couple More Black Library Audiobooks…
I haven’t been getting a lot of reading done, just recently, but I have got a couple more audiobooks under my belt so all is not lost yet :o) I really enjoy Black Library’s output here so it’s no surprise then that one of those listens was in the universe of the far future whilst the other was a welcome return to the Old World. Let me tell you about them… Quick thoughts though, yesterday was a tough one and I’m still regrouping. Enough of that though, lets talk audiobooks :o)
Run Time: 26 Minutes
Oll Persson stands apart from the rest of mankind. He is one of the old ones, one of the undying. One of the Perpetuals.,
Now, fleeing from the ruins of Calth with his band of fellow refugees, the vagaries of the warp have brought him through the backways of time and space to a city that rests on the edge of oblivion...and no further.
The path has ended abruptly, and Oll's enemies are finally closing in. Will his immortality be enough to save him this time?
Not a bad listen but one that’s only going to make sense if you’ve read ‘Know No Fear’ and have whatever follows on from ‘Perpetual’ ready to jump straight into. Because that’s the thing, ‘Perpetual’ ends really abruptly, so abruptly in fact that I’m still not a hundred percent sure that I didn’t just buy half a recording off Audible… Or is it that Black Library just want to leave me hanging so that I find and buy whatever the next instalment is called? Either way, don’t go into this tale expecting any closure, there’s still more tale to be told here.
To be fair though, we do get a brief glimpse of a time that’s almost as far from the thirtieth millennium as that time is from the harrowing present of the forty second millennium. That’s definitely worth spending a little time with :o)
Run Time: 1 hour and 13 minutes
Gotrek and Felix are in the port city of Marienburg when they stumble across a mysterious golden bracelet. Little do they realise that this is the very trinket dedicated to Stromfels – the ancient and evil Storm God - and he wants it back! Our two heroes are attacked by the god's minions and the bracelet is taken from them, but a stubborn and determined Gotrek refuses to relinquish it without a fight. Venturing deep into the Marienburg marshes in pursuit of the thieves, Gotrek and Felix find themselves confronting the embodiment of the Storm God himself.
Now this was much more like it. The longer run time gives us a lot more time to spend not only in the story but in Marienburg itself and you get a real feel for both with a fast moving plot (with an actual ending!) accompanied by effects that put you right in the middle of everything. ‘Slayer of the Storm God’ made for a very enjoyable commute to work and I wouldn’t mind listening to more of these shorter stories if there are any.
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