'Return of the Living Dead' (2025) - Teaser Trailer

Just resurfacing (very briefly) to ask a quick question and answer another one...

1) Given just how awesome the original 'Return of the Living Dead' still is, is a re-make really necessary?

2) But having said that, am I going to go and watch it anyway? The answer is... Yep probably ;o)

'Return of the Living Dead' will be in cinemas next Christmas... 


  1. I realize it's early, but wishing you a Merry Christmas when it arrives!

  2. I'm getting there but in no fit state to blog at the moment; plowing my way through hospital and Doctor's appointments (nothing serious, just a lot of them!) My reading has slowed right down as well. Give me two or three weeks... Or when I finally finish 'Into the Narrowdark', whichever comes first.
    Thanks for checking in though, I really appreciate it :o)


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