Books for the TBR Pile... 'Last one of these posts for a while (maybe)' Edition

This never works normally, but there's a little part of me that's still an optimist so... here goes :o)

Books are coming into the flat a lot faster than they're leaving (you can always tell how depressed I am by the number of new books that I order...) and I'm already way behind on my reading plans. To be fair, I've been way behind on my reading plans for a few years now but I'm feeling it today :o) With that in mind then, I'm going to try and read just the books I already own between now and Christmas. Yeah, I know but I've got to give it a go ;o)

With all that said then... Lets take a look at the books that came home with me (or turned up on the doorstep) over the last week ;o) It hasn't been the worst week but it wasn't the best either so, here we are! Apologies in advance if the photo is a little out of focus; I suspect that I need new glasses ;o) 

Not as a bad haul really, looks like there's something here to cater for all tastes (well, most of them). And in no particular order...

'Terrifier 2' is the one that I'm reading at the moment. I couldn't help myself, I'm loving the movies so when I saw that 'Terrifier 2' had it's own novelization, I was all over it. A review will follow at some point but for now, it's not a bad read but there's an imbalance that I'm trying to get my head round. More on that another time (hopefully soon).

I'm still finding my way around the Mortal Realms but have been there long enough to know that the Stormcast Eternals are a favourite faction of mine so finally seeing a paperback edition of 'Black Talon' felt like a treat that I'd finally earned. We're talking shadowy assassinations, and stuff, here and I'm looking forward to getting round to reading more. If only I had any idea when that might be. Hmmm...

I really enjoyed those short stories from 'The Lure of Atlantis' so thought I'd treat myself to another book from the series. 'Weird Woods' ended up being that book and I'm hoping to get to a couple of short stories this month. 

And I don't read enough Guy Gavriel Kay so 'A Song for Arbonne' pretty much put itself in my bag when I saw it, on the 'Free Book' shelf, at the cinema the other day. It looks pretty hefty though so not sure if/when I'll get to it. Has anyone else here read it?

Just a couple more to go... I find myself reading Kealan Patrick Burke's short stories and not his longer work. Purchasing 'Currency of Souls' goes a little way towards redressing that balance and it's only 185 pages long so you won't have to wait too long before you see a review here.

And last but not least... I've been pondering whether to read 'The Boys' as well or just stick to the show. You can guess what happened in the end. I've got a couple of comic books that I want to read first but this first omnibus collection isn't too far behind those books. You'll see it here soon.

And that's your lot for this week, maybe even up until Christmas, we'll see. Anything off the pile that you'd like to see me tackle first? Let me know in the usual place :o) 


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