Books for the TBR Pile... 'Erm, yeah...' Edition

So, all that talk about 'no more books' last week? I sounded like I meant it didn't I...? Well, I did but then yesterday happened and it turns out that last week was a bit of a false start. Turns out that I can't do a little early Christmas shopping without getting myself a little something. And it also turns out that I shouldn't go into charity shops while I'm waiting for my kids' bubble teas... Who'd have thought it? Erm yep, I need to start again :o) In the meantime, lets take a quick look at what I picked up, we might as well... ;o)

I've had a copy of 'Promise of Blood' sat on the shelf, for a long time, but never got round to picking it up, just because I wanted to find the other two books first (and just read the whole lot in one fell swoop). Well, the universe gave me a little nudge by placing 'The Crimson Campaign' and 'The Autumn Republic' at eye level when I went into the British Heart Foundation shop. I'd better get started ;o)

And the 'Doctor Who'? I will never not buy a 'Doctor Who' book if it's only £1.99. Thank you Oxfam Shop in Greenwich :o)

And this was the other book that I saw in the British Heart Foundation shop. I love a bit of 'Hellboy' but I've never read anything where Abe Sapien was the lead so I thought I'd give it a shot. If I ever finish reading 'Terrifier 2', 'The Drowning' will be one of the next books up.

And that's your lot for this week. I would say 'no more books now' but yeah... we'll see... What books have you picked up this weekend?


  1. Dude, you got a problem. Find a certified Bookologist in your area and get an appointment as soon as you can. If the drugs won't cure you, the electric shock therapy and aversion therapy will. You've got options. And we're all behind you! (thanking our lucky stars it's not us getting the electroshock therapy, hahahahaa) :-D

    1. I've definitely got a problem but there are worse problems to have I guess ;o) I really need to read more books that I already own before going out and buying new ones...


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