Trailers: 'VHS Beyond', 'Elevation' and 'Azrael'

Today is a free day so I'm going to use it to catch up with the reading that I planned on doing last weekend; that and get over the dose of food poisoning (or whatever the hell it was, I'm still not sure...) that I had the other day. Not going to lie, I feel pretty wiped out right now which is the ideal excuse to do nothing apart from read books ;o)

While I do that then... I like to leave trailers on the blog, mostly to remind myself that the whole movie isn't far away as well as still feel pleased that I am able to post video clips on the blog (honestly, anything feels like an achievement these days, don't take that away from me!) So here are three that I found yesterday ;o) 'V/H/S Beyond' arrives on Shudder next week and I'll probably end up subscribing again, so I can catch it, I love the 'V/H/S' series :o) 'Azrael' came out yesterday, according to the trailer, but I'm not sure if that means here as well or just in the US, I'll have to find out. And 'Elevation' is a November release that looks like a nice slice of 'sci-fi horror'. Check 'em out...


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