Cover Art: 'The Navigator's Children' - Tad Williams

I'll be honest... I'd completely forgotten that 'The Navigator's Children' was headed our way, what with a whole load of other stuff going on right now. That and the fact that I've come completely unstuck with 'Into the Narrowdark'... Not the book's fault at all, that's all on me as well :o(

And then I was mooching about on Amazon earlier this evening, it's my birthday next month and that's the ideal excuse to make another list of books that I want, and saw that 'The Navigator's Children' now has some rather nice looking cover art. I had to share so here we are ;o)

I originally wasn't too keen on the switch in cover art, especially as the cover for 'Empire of Grass' was just gorgeous, but from where I'm sat, this cover art makes up for a lot. I'd never really given too much thought to what Utuk'ku's mask looked like but this is definitely it. Now I just need to dig out my copy of 'Into the Narrowdark' and finish it before 'The Navigator's Children' makes its bow sometime in November. Here's the blurb if you haven't seen it already,

The Hayholt is besieged by the Norns. Once the home of their immortal brethren, the Sithi, now capital of the kingdom of men, the fabled castle is under attack. And as the world is distracted by this strike against humankind, the Norns' deathless witch-queen Utuk'ku turns towards the mysterious fateful valley called TanakirĂș - the Vale of Mists.

Meanwhile, Queen Miriamele hurries to save the Hayholt and capture the treacherous noble Pasevalles, but arrives to discover the traitor has escaped.

And inside TanakirĂș, Vale of Mists, the bond between Prince Morgan and Nezeru, a renegade Norn, has become something deeper and stranger than either of them could have anticipated. They journey ever deeper to the heart of the valley's mystery, encountering wonder and horror, and come face to face at last with the ancient secret that has kindled the Norn Queen's war - a secret that will destroy immortals and humans alike.


  1. Ohhhh, I've been waiting for this. Been buying the books as they come out but not reading them until the series is done. I liked the original MST trilogy a lot and it gave Williams a lot of cachet in my ledgers. But he pretty much squandered it all with the Shadowmarch tetralogy (hated those books!)
    So I've been waiting, very patiently, to read this and see if this is a return to form, or if he's fully invested in the kind of storytelling we got in Shadowmarch. Kind of nervous to be honest.

    But thanks for bringing this to my attention. Its been added to my wishlist :-D

  2. I never finished the 'Shadowmarch' series (I really should) but from what I've read... I'd say that the new Osten Ard books are a step up from those but perhaps not as good as the original trilogy was. I don't know... I need to finish 'Into the Narrowdark' and then see how it all finishes with 'The Navigator's Children'. I think this series needs to be judged as a whole rather than its individual parts. On a completely different note, did you ever read the 'Otherland' books?

    1. I have read the Otherland books, multiple times :-D

      Here's a link if you don't mind:


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