Books for the TBR Pile, 'Accidental...' Edition

Honestly, the plan was just to spend my week off with my daughters, just hanging out and doing cool things. Buying more books wasn't a part of that plan at all. I mean, seriously... I've got far too many books as it is, I don't need to add more... Do I? I didn't think so but apparently, fate had other book-buying plans for me ;o) A mixture of books from various sources awaits below...

The rule is that if we go into Waterstones then everyone has to leave with a book. What? I don't make the rules... Hang on, yes I do ;o) We didn't quiet manage it this time but I came away with a copy of Greg Keyes' new book 'The Wind that Sweeps the Stars' so I'm happy ;o) I'm putting together a new TBR pile (it's time) and this book will feature. And 'The Exorcist'? I'll be honest, I saw this in Tescos and was so taken with the idea of a supermarket selling 'The Exorcist' that I bought it ;o) No idea when I'll get round to reviewing it though.

I didn't buy either of these books... A friend of mine manages the free book libraries, in Lewisham, and I found these two books on the shelves at Lewisham station. I've never read 'The Survivor' so you can expect to see it feature before 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?' And if your journey ever sees you stop at Lewisham station, take a few minutes to go through the shelves by the ticket office. There's always a gem to be found there. 

After finding those 'Doctor Who' books the other day, I couldn't resist going back into the British Heart Foundation shop and seeing if any more were on the shelves. Nothing but a big ol' 'Doctor Who' comic book this time which will feature here at some point (soon, I reckon).
The find that I'm most excited about though is 'The Mammoth Book of Zombie Comics', mostly because it's awesome (did I ever tell you that I love zombies...?) but particularly because it's a corrected edition, meaning that we get the dialogue for 'Pigeons from Hell', not just the pictures. Not quite sure how I'll cover it but it's a book that will definitely feature here.

And finally, the rest of my haul from the British Heart Foundation shop. I've been meaning to pick up 'The Trench' so finding the next two books (I think they're the next two books, I need to check the running order) should hopefully give me a nudge to do just that. It has been years since I picked up 'The Vagrant' so when I saw it on the shelf, it pretty much bought itself ;o)

And that's your lot for this week. I still need to stop buying books, maybe I'll start on that tomorrow ;o) Anything here catch your eye? Let me know in the comments...


  1. Have you read the Exorcist before? Not watched the movie, but read the book?

    1. I read it years ago, I think while I was at High School. I haven't read it since then so I'm interested to see how I get on with it now.


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