An Unexpected 'Shelfie' Post!

Well, I say 'unexpected'... After the way yesterday went (work, then had my girls over, and then straight back to work), my blogging plans took one look at me and decided to cut me a little slack. Which was nice of them ;o) I still wanted to post something though and after looking at my shelves, realised that the answer was literally in front of me the whole time... Lets take a look at one of my shelves (sorry about the photo, either my phone or eyes are having trouble focusing properly) and I'll see if I can come up with five things to say about it. Here goes :o)

Lets start off with the easiest one first ;o) It's so clear that by the time I'd finished with the big move, all I was good for was literally emptying boxes of books straight onto the shelves. There's no order here at all and you know what? Years ago, I would have hated that but these days I like having shelves where I don't know what I'll find until I find it. It's only a little chaos but I'm embracing it ;o)

Moving onto the obvious question ;o) From left to right... A couple of Night Goblins (my clumsy fingers stopped me putting more together), Lego Silver Surfer, Lego Staypuft Marshmallow Man (I used to make this 'magically appear' and tell my younger daughters that it was their fault for thinking of him...), Freddy Krueger and the 'Pennywise Trio' (not a band but they could be...)

This seems to be the shelf that Doctor Who books end up on after they feature on the blog... 'War of the Daleks', 'The Pirate Planet', 'Inferno', 'The Giggle' and 'The Stones of Blood'. I have no idea why this is the case.

Any favourite books up there? Unsurprisingly, there are many that I haven't read yet but there are a couple that I love. Tad Williams' 'The Heart of What Was Lost' is an easy choice but 'J.R.R. Tolkien, A Biography' beats it, just by being a book that I've been reading, semi-regularly, ever since high school. It might even be time to pick it up again.

And if I could swap one book, from my current TBR pile, for something off this shelf? 'Lyonesse' is a book that I keep meaning to pick up but somehow never do. Anyone here read it?

And... that's your lot for this shelf. If you fancy seeing any more gratuitous shelfie posts, there are plenty more shelves in this flat ;o)


  1. In the upper left I see you have a book by Steve Jackson. Is that one of his old "Fighting Fantasy" choose your own adventure rpg books?

    1. I'm trying to collect these as I see them in the wild, they can get a little expensive on eBay etc... Top left is a copy of 'Crown of Kings', the final book in the 'Sorcery' series (Fighting Fantasy but not part of the main series, I think) and if you look in the bottom of the picture, you'll see 'Stormslayer' (Fighting Fantasy but without the iconic green spine) and 'The Trolltooth Wars' (a Fighting Fantasy novel).


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