A Couple of Comic Books...

One day, I will stop buying single issues and just concentrate on the trades instead. One day... But not today :o) I picked these two books up when I was in Bromley the other week, the 'Time Trek' store is long gone now (which is still a horrible shame) but 'Piranha Comics' is still about and is worth a look if you're passing by. We were passing by and popped in while we were waiting for a bus to turn up; here are some quick thoughts on what I bought while we were there...

The cover looks absolutely gorgeous and the good news is that the artwork inside more than matches up to it. Secher just seems to naturally get Elric's world and this comic is a comic that is happy for you to just sit and look at how good it looks. The story though... It's taken me a while to put into words but across the 'Elric' books as a whole, I've always had an issue with the decision to base these books around themes rather than plot and that's definitely an issue here. Things feel a little too disjointed here for me, maybe that will change as this series progresses.

There's nothing like picking up a random issue of 'Barbaric' to,

a) Put another little dent in the food budget. Oh well, I need to lose some weight... ;o)
b) Make me realise just how much story I've somehow managed to miss in a series that I'd promised myself that I'd follow a little more closely.

Luckily for me, the plot here is fairly straightforward and fun to follow; just our heroes fighting. well... I'm not sure who but like I said, it was a lot of fun and I really need to get back into this series.

What comics are you reading, right now, and should I be reading it too? Leave a comment and let me know.


  1. I read one Groo comic a month. Just the right amount :-D

    1. I am the absolute worst at remembering to buy my comics each month, always seem to fall down after 5-6 issues and then just end up getting the trade edition instead. 'Groo' though... Now there's a comic that I always seem to enjoy when I do read a copy but I never get a run of issues under my belt. I'm so inconsistent :o)


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