Books for the TBR Pile... 'Back In The Saddle' Edition

Well... That ended up being a little longer than I'd planned but I'm back and feeling a little fresher than I was a month ago. Everything else may be trying its best to walk all over me but I'm still going to use this blog to talk about the books that I enjoy. Lets see where that takes us ;o) I don't think I'm up to dishing out a post a day, at the moment, but I've got some cool stuff  planned that I'll think you'll like. Lets kick off with a look at the books that have turned up on my doorstep over the last few weeks...

'The Payday Bundle'

Eleven days until I get paid and I still haven't opened any of these books, no change there then... ;o) I finished the 'Predator Omnibus' so thought I'd balance it out with the first volume of the 'Aliens Omnibus' series. I'll probably take this collection a book at a time so keep an eye open for that. I wouldn't have picked up 'The Predator' but I've been watching the movies with my daughter, and she really enjoyed 'The Predator' so I thought I'd give it a read and then pass it onto her. And 'Conan the Barbarian'... You'll probably remember that I found an old copy of this a while ago. I'll be honest, the print in this edition is a little easier on my aging eyes. Dammit, I'm getting old :o(

I've had my eye on 'Godkiller' for a while and one half decent year-end review later, I thought I'd treat myself to a copy. I'll be honest, I don't have a clue when I'll get to it but that cover is lovely isn't it? Has anyone else here read it?

And 'The Cabin in the Woods' is another purchase that has come out of movies that I watch with my daughter. She loved the movie so once I've finished reading the book, I'll pass it onto her. That means you're likely to see a review here soon(ish).

And it's not often that I get review copies, these days, so it was a treat to receive a copy of Daniel Church's 'The Ravening', courtesy of the nice people at Angry Robot. I think this could very well be my next read after 'The Cabin in the Woods'. Here's the blurb,

Jenna's life has always been a fight. From the traumatic and mysterious loss of her mother on a dark woodland road when she was fifteen, to the abusive and controlling boyfriend she's recently escaped, she has learned that trust hurts you in the end.

Now Jenna's found what she hopes is happiness with her new girlfriend, Holly. But the world is full of darkness - some of it ancient, some of it closer to home... Evil, and those who serve it, will not let Jenna go.

Anything here that catches your eye? Leave a comment and let me know ;o)


  1. I switched to ebooks years ago and as the years go by, I just keep increasing hte font size. Technology is wonderful that way :-D

    1. I've got a Kindle but I've never quite been able to give up my paperbacks, no matter what they do to my eyes. Give it another few years though and we'll see...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've barely made a dent in my TBR pile but a month off has done me some good ;o)


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