Movie Night… ‘Re-Watch’ Edition!

It’s the weekend again! That time of the week where I’m frankly too shattered to read much so pop the telly on and let my brain time out for a bit ;o) This weekend was about re-watching some old favourites, mostly because nothing else really caught my eye but also because my daughter came over on the Friday and had a couple of requests. Lets take a quick look, shall we?

‘Dog Soldiers’ (2002)

A small squad of British soldiers, on a training mission in the Highlands, find themselves hunted by a pack of werewolves. Will they make it through the night?

My daughter has been asking to watch this, for a couple of weeks, so I figured it was about time we gave it a go. Not a huge deal for me as I love this movie and it had been a while since I last saw it. One viewing later and… I still love it :o) Plenty of action, a couple of sweet plot twists and a compelling blend of gore and humour. My daughter loved it as well, even though certain moments were watched with her hands over her eyes. A welcome re-watch indeed.

‘Duel’ (1971)

David Mann has a business appointment to keep and a long drive to get there. In the meantime, the driver of a forty ton truck has just taken violent exception to Mann’s overtaking him, the Duel has begun…

Another film that my daughter requested and it’s been a few years since I watched it. ‘Duel’ was missing some of the tension this time round, the perils of a rewatch, but it still did it’s job well; especially the scene in the diner and the climactic final moments of the chase. There’s still plenty here to keep me watching; especially Dennis Weaver’s performance of a man driven to the edge (literally) and having to find courage that he didn’t know he had.

My daughters verdict? ‘A bit slow, but good’. I’ll take that ;o)

‘The Dead’ (2010)

An American engineer teams up with an African soldier to escape a zombie outbreak that has engulfed Africa.

You guessed it, another re-watch :o) Damn this movie looks amazing… In a time where zombie movies tend to focus on cityscapes, all that African scenery makes for a really welcome break, and there are still plenty of places for zombies to pop out from. You can’t ask for a lot more than that really.

It’s a little bit of a shame that the plot doesn’t quite match up to it then. It’s not really doing anything new, some solid performances offset this but only so far. Still worth a look though if you haven’t seen it before, I’m just not sure that ‘The Dead’ quite passes the ‘re-watch test’. Oh well…

That’s enough about me though, what have you all been watching this weekend? And knowing what I like now, do you think I’d enjoy it? Comments in the usual place ;o)


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