Books for the TBR Pile... 'Short and Sweet' Edition.

I'm not sure if I've already used this title (it's possible and I'm too lazy to go back and look) but it certainly still counts here so, moving on then... ;o)

I'm actively trying to buy less books in general at the moment, partly because of tighter finances this month but also because it's really struck me, recently, how many books I've bought (over the last few years) and how many of these are still sat on my shelves, unread. I'm not going to give you an exact number here but take it from me, there's a lot. I'm not one for reading resolutions these days (other than to just enjoy what I'm reading, that one's a given) but I would like to get through as many of those unread books as I can this year. Lets see how that goes...

But having said all that, I'm still me so a couple of books made it through the blockade this week ;o)

I'd heard nothing but good things about 'In the Shadows of their Dying' so had to grab a copy. And you can probably tell that I've at least made a start on it. The plan is to have a review up at some point this week and I'll be honest, if the rest of the book lives up to what I've read so far then I'll be adding more words to everyone elses.

And 'Aliens: Phalanx'... I love the movies but have never really been able to get into the books. 'Phalanx' though, could be the book that changes all of that with enough of a 'fantasy slant' to it to catch my interest. I suspect you won't see a review this week but it's very likely that it will be my book for the Easter weekend so, maybe next week?

And that's your lot for this week. Anyone here read 'Phalanx' and want to tell me how they found it? Leave a comment where comments are usually left ;o)


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