Books for the TBR Pile... 'Not a Review Post' Edition

I finished 'In the Shadow of Their Dying' last night and what a stunning read it was. If I still did 'Book of the Year' posts, it would easily be a very serious contender. And that's all I can really tell you at the moment, it's an awesome read but I'm still trying to get my head round some of what happened and until I can do that... Any 'review' would basically be the first two sentences of this post and nothing else. Give me a couple of days and I'll have something a little more substantial for you. In the meantime...

Yesterday also saw me take a trip over to Wimbledon to do a course for work. It's been ages since I've been over there so once work was out of the way, I was keen to take a little wander round the charity shops and see what they had to offer. Not a lot was the answer and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, at least as far as my bank account was concerned. I did manage to come away with three books though, let me introduce them to you... :o)

'Swords of Good Men' was found on the shelves of the local 'Cancer Research' shop and is a book that I always meant to pick up, way back when it was first published, but never quite managed to. These days though, I'm always after a little Viking/'Viking style' fiction so it was an easy purchase. Mustn't leave it too long before I pick it up (even though I do have some other books to get through first).

'Monstrous Regiment' and 'Appointment with F.E.A.R' were both found in the Oxfam store a little further up the street. I actually picked up 'Appointment with F.E.A.R' for my eldest daughter who, I believe, still has my copy, Maybe I should just keep this one...? I don't know...
And 'Monstrous Regiment'... I've never read it so it was another fairly easy purchase. The more I look at it though, the more I find myself thinking that I already have a copy somewhere. I don't know, I'll let you know when I find out. I've got a few 'Discworld' books that I want to read first but it looks like a 'Discworld re-read' is officially happening so you'll see 'Monstrous Regiment' feature at some point. I guess it depends on whether I read the series in order or not.

And... That's your lot for this week ;o) Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know...


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