Books for the TBR Pile... 'Exercise!' Edition

So, the heart nurse told me that I need to be exercising a bit more and she does have a point so... Yesterday, I decided to exercise in the best way that I know how... I went for a walk and found some bookshops of course ;o)

Starting off from my place, I took a walk up to The Bookshop on the Heath where, if you're lucky, you'll find a shelf or two of sci-fi and fantasy amongst the antiquarian books, first editions and all that. A special nod as well to the lady at the counter who asked me, as I came in, if I'd like to browse; that was my plan the whole time ;o)

No fantasy books this time but there were a couple of boxes of sci-fi and I walked out with the following,

I think I have the whole 'Helliconia' trilogy now, I just need to find my copy of 'Helliconia Spring' before I can start reading. And while I'm not a huge fan of 'Series Guides', I am a fan of any book that has 'Doctor Who' on the cover so, here we are. With all three books bought for a fiver, I was off to a good start.

After a spot of lunch at the Age Concern Cafe (which was nicer than it sounds, I'd definitely go back), I gave my feet a little break and headed over to Lee to see if a favourite bookshop of mine was still open. Seriously, every other shop in the Leegate Shopping Centre has closed so Faction Books has to go the same way at some point... Right?
Maybe one day it will but Faction Books was still there when I arrived, yesterday, and I was glad to see it open. There are books in there that have been on the shelves ever since I first went in, years ago, but there are always new gems as well. Like these,


a) Tell me that you wouldn't buy a 'Flash Gordon' book just because it was there and it said 'Flash Gordon' on the cover.
b) I'm pretty sure that 'Gord the Rogue' and 'Gary Gygax' should be swapped round on the cover. For the record, Gord the Rogue is the main character and Gary Gygax is the author ;o)
c) Is where I an out of 'funny' things to say. I picked these two books up as I've heard good things about Andrew Offutt and I'm always up for more 'Sword & Sorcery' in the ol' TBR Pile.

Four books for a fiver, not bad if I say so myself :o)

One walk down the Lee High Road later and I found myself at Halcyon Books (which was good as I'd been aiming to end up there and it's not exactly hard to find...) After I'd made lifelong friends with the happiest ten year old black Labrador, I found a couple of books to round off the days shopping,

I already have a copy of 'The Dragonbone Chair' but my eldest daughter doesn't and she said that she fancied reading something by Tad Williams so, here we are. I might have to pick up my old copy and give it a read...
And now I've got a horrible feeling that I already have a copy of 'Shield of Thunder' somewhere in the flat. Hopefully I don't but either way, I've never read it so should probably do something about that soon.

And that's your lot for this week. Anything here that catches your eye? Leave a comment and let me know ;o)


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