Books in the Post... 'Amazon Self-Care' Edition

Because last week was one of those weeks and I got paid on Friday, that's all there is to it. I'm pretty sure that this week is going to be one of those weeks as well but, at least I've got some new books to keep me company ;o) Lets check em' out,

My reading isn't going brilliantly at the moment (another attempt at 'Into the Narrowdark' failed miserably over the weekend...) so I thought I'd take a step outside my comfort zone with 'Sharpe's Tiger'. Fingers crossed it jumpstarts me back into my groove again. I've just got the final story of the 'Fool Wolf' collection to read and then maybe, 'Sharpe's Tiger' will be my next read. We'll see.

We're back onto slightly familiar ground with 'Blightslayer', a book that has my favourite dwarf and favourite Chaos god inside. You can't go wrong with a combination like that, can you? I'll let you know.

And then finally, for this picture anyway, we've got a little 'Godzilla vs Kong' action. I loved the movie (of course I did, it's me) and I'm also a fan of Greg Keyes' 'Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone' books so I'm interested to see what he makes of a movie novelisation. And I know, everyone else has probably already read it. I didn't even realise that this book was a thing until the other day... I'm not even going to try and catch up, with current books, anymore ;o)

All my talk of keeping up with single issues  of 'Conan' was exposed as complete... you know ;o) Life took over and I didn't even realise that I'd missed at least two issues over the course of my house hunting and move. Luckily, the first trade has now been published and I have a copy :o) I'll be honest, this is the book most likely to be reviewed this week.

I've already mentioned that I'm into the last story of 'Fool Wolf' and I've also dug out a couple of old Robert E. Howard collections to dip into this week so fingers crossed, that's my reading sorted. How about you? What do you have on the go at the moment?


  1. I haven't read Sharpe's Tiger but I'm a big fan of the Richard Sharpe series. Just got my copy of Conan the Barbarian: Bound in Black Stone yesterday!

  2. Marvel's new Conan stuff was a bit hit and miss, from where I was sat, but Titan have done ok so far; I've got high hopes for this book. I've never read any Sharpe at all but I love military fantasy (Black Company and Malazan in particular); I know there won't be any fantasy here but really, I'm just after the camaraderie ;o)


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