Books for the TBR Pile... 'This really wasn't meant to be a regular thing again' edition!

Sorry for the radio silence over the weekend. I'll be honest, I wasn't even thinking of the blog as I was really busy with a whole load of other stuff; you wouldn't find it interesting at all but it was all stuff that I had to deal with so that's exactly what I did. That and nip into my local for drinks at the end of the day. Oh yeah, and buy a few more books that I really don't need but somehow ended up coming home with me anyway. And to make matters worse, I already had two of them... It turns out that middle age has left me a sucker for earlier editions and different cover art ;o)

Come on, lets take a look...

After reading 'Closure Limited' the other day, I was left wondering whether it was time for a long overdue re-read of 'World War Z'. Seeing that very book, on the shelves of Brockley Books, answered that question for me and it's now on a pile somewhere, waiting to be read.

As is 'Morningstar' and yes, I do already have a copy of this (on another pile, also waiting to be read) but that copy doesn't have this really cool cover art, does it? No, no it doesn't ;o) I'm not sure which edition I'll be reading but one of them will definitely be read soon.

I'm always partial to a bit of Josh Kirby cover art so 'Knights of Madness' was an easy purchase, even if I never actually read it. I will read 'Knights of Madness', it might just have to be patient and wait its turn. And you're right, I do already have a copy of 'Day of the Daleks', I even reviewed it over Here. It would appear that I'm also the kind of person who can't leave an old 'Doctor Who' Target novelisation in a charity shop; there are worse things to be. Don't worry though, I won't be reviewing it again ;o)

And that's your lot for this week. Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment if something did (or leave a comment anyway, it's always nice to say hello) ;o)


  1. Zombies, Gemmell, Pratchett, and Doctor Who! Great mix of books!

    1. It's pretty much the perfect storm for me. Now I just need to find the time to read them... ;o)


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