Books for the TBR Pile... 'Bonus' Edition!

The plan is that you won't see too many of these posts this year as I really want to concentrate on reading the books that I already own instead of buying too many new ones. It will hopefully save me a bit of money and I'll be able to rediscover some old favourites at the same time (as well as reading all those books that I've bought over the last five years and then left on the shelves). We'll see how that pans out... ;o)

Having said all of that then, of course I went out and bought books this weekend. I had some time to myself and wanted to get out of the house; I mean... I could have done that without buying more books but it never seems to work out like that does it? Oh well, I guess a few more books on the TBR Pile won't hurt. Let me introduce you to them...

I saw these two books in Greenwich Oxfam and had to grab them. A little voice, at the back of my mind, was trying to point out that I already had a copy of 'The Lays of Beleriand' but by that point, I'd accidentally knocked some bits off a shelf and just wanted to get the hell out. So now I own two copies of 'The Lays of Beleriand'...

I've got the first book lurking on a shelf somewhere so should really read that first before getting into these. Basically, don't expect a post any time soon.

Here's the other book that I found in Oxfam; it's a zombie book so there was never any danger of it being left behind ;o) And because it's a zombie book, I started reading it on the train home. You can definitely expect a review this week ;o)

And last but by no means least... I've been thoroughly enjoying my 'Warhammer' reading and have been waiting on these books for what seems like ages. I got paid and as if by magic, these two books turned up in the post the very next day, funny how that happens ;o)

I'm reading Erikson's 'The God Is Not Willing' at the moment (and this may be the time that I actually finish it, I'm confident about my chances) but after that, I'll be picking one of these two up next. Not sure which one though, we'll see.

And that's your lot for now. Anything here caught your eye? Leave a comment and let a chap know :o)


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