A Quick 'Reading Update' and the 'Question that is keeping me awake tonight'...

January and I never get on well. I'm not going to go into the reasons, lets just say that they all combine to make January a pretty bleak ol' month and I'm always glad to see the back of it. I can usually escape into a book but this particular January is doing its level best to stop that... My 'Reading Update' is that I can't seem to get into anything at the moment. The best I've managed is a hundred and thirty four pages of Rob Young's 'Longshot' and then I came to a grinding halt; nothing to do with the book at all (I'd recommend it in fact), more about my state of mind. I've put 'Longshot' to one side, for now, and will give it another go in a month or so.

So, what's a Graeme to do in the meantime?

I'm not going to stop reading but what I am going to do is put everything (that I'm stuck on) to one side and revisit some old favourites. I'm also going to see if I can find any of the books that I read during last year's hiatus, so I can post about them and the blog doesn't suffer too much while I get my mojo back. Simple? Should be... ;o)

While I do all that, I'm also sat here, at just gone 1:30am, trying to figure out which 'Dawn of the Dead' movie is best. Yep, that's the question keeping me awake right now... Dammit! ;o) The purist in me says Romero's version, of course, but there's also a lot to be said for Snyder ditching the social commentary and speeding the story up (literally). And yeah, you can say that there are too many differences to say one way or the other but my brain has decided not to let me off that easily ;o)

I reviewed both the 1978 version and 2004 remake, back in the day, but because it's been a while since I embedded a Youtube video here, here are both versions for your viewing pleasure.

Which one is your favourite? Leave a comment and let me know.


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