‘Boss of Bosses’ – Luke Scull (Black Library)

Page Count: 40 Pages

The plan wasn’t to follow up one Luke Scull read with another (my reading plans are as vague as ever these days) but Amazon threw ‘Boss of Bosses’ at me, I’m growing to really enjoy the ‘Age of Sigmar’ setting and I needed a quick read for the bus ride to work so… Everything just came together perfectly and here I am. Another short post today but you probably guessed that already 😉 I had about three hours sleep last night and there are a few other things that need to happen today so bear with me a little longer. More detailed posts are coming soon.

In the meantime then, lets talk about Orks sorry Orruks and what they get up to when they’re not fighting full scale wars…

Following the failed siege of Excelsis and the emergence of the Kruleboyz, Gordrakk must tighten his control over his own Orruk hordes.

So, what does an Orruk do when it’s not at war? It’s a trick question, Orruks are always at war, the only difference lies in who (or what) they are fighting. In ‘Boss of Bosses’, the downtime after the Siege of Excelsis means that Orruk infighting is the order of the day, mostly through boredom but also as Gordrakk’s failures, during the Siege, leaves him open to challenges from across his army. Scull has a lot of fun with the resulting chaos here with stand up fights (like Mortal Kombat but with Orruks) punctuated with the more insidious threat of the Kruleboyz. It’s all good fun to watch and there’s something here for everyone, whether you’re into the venomous machinations of the Kruleboyz or if you just want to see Gordrakk batter some poor monster to death. Scull has you covered either way 😉

The outcome may not be in doubt but that’s by no means a slight on Scull who I suspect had to work to particular guidelines around particular characters. Having said that though, while the destination is pretty clear, it’s the journey that makes ‘Boss of Bosses’ such a fun read, loads of scrapping with darker undertones running underneath. I didn’t fall asleep on the bus, this morning, and ‘Boss of Bosses’ was the reason why 😊


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