Random Cover Art Post... 'Jandrax' (Syd Logsdon)

My landlord has had enough of being a landlord (I'm not a bad tenant but I can't blame him to be honest) so my flat is on the market and I'm trying to make my book collection a little more portable for when I finally have to leave. Not the way I wanted to learn the 'Don't Have So Many Books' lesson but, here we are ;o)

My habit of picking books up, wherever I find them, and then sticking them in the loft to 'read later' has led to a few surprises found in the stacks. Books like 'Jandrax' for instance... I don't think I'll be reading it any time soon but cast your eyes over that cover and you'll totally get why I picked it up and brought it home with me. Pardon the camera flash, turns out that I'm still awful at taking photos ;o)

Isn't that just gorgeous? Kind of makes me wish that cover art was still like this, there's a real sense of 'I'm a sci-fi book and I don't care who knows' that you just don't see these days. Well, I don't anyway.

The blurb isn't quite selling the book to me though; although to be fair, that's more on my current frazzled state of mind, I'm being very picky about what I pick up at the moment.


As a child he'd learned the ways of death in the worst holy war known to man. . .


As a scout he'd tamed four planets -- and more women than most men ever see. . .


As a colonist, he'd have to tame a world, then fight the people he'd tamed it for. He was the colony's best hope for survival -- but somebody wanted him dead!

Have you read 'Jandrax'? If you have, was it any good? And if you haven't, would you like to see it read and reviewed here? I'm looking for quick and easy reads at the moment (a high mortality rate for pink alien bird creatures may be a bonus, I haven't decided) so am open to being convinced here...


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