Lord Samper's Library 2.0...

I couldn't stay away... ;o) It turns out that despite everything else going on, there's still a little part of me that wants to keep writing about what I'm reading or watching so... I'm going to indulge that part of me and see where we end up.

I'll be honest, don't expect to see a post every day; at least not yet. I've got a stack of 'read books' that I'll take you through over the next few weeks but life is still a little demanding over here and I don't want this blog to burn out before I really get going ;o) A post every few days, that seems do-able so that's what I'm going for. What can you expect to see? Hopefully, all the stuff that you liked reading last time round ;o) I'll be recycling old reviews (from old blogs) but as usual, only where I've recently read the books in question. And everyone else is covering new books far better than I ever could so I'll stick to the older stuff, there are gems to be found if you dig deep enough...

And that's it, for now anyway. Reviews etc to follow... ;o)


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