Books for the TBR Pile... 'Bits and Pieces' Edition

Well, there's a week that I'm glad to see the back of :o) As always, not a bad week, just an awful lot of it and only one of me to get stuff done. Oh well, only two more weeks like that and then I'm off for a week, I can't wait :o)

In the meantime, I'm continuing to wait for books (that I've ordered) to come through the post while Royal Mail continue to prioritise shareholders over the actual people delivering the mail. I think you can tell whose side I'm on here ;o) A few bits and pieces have made it through though, along with some books that I saw in the British Heart Foundation shop and just had to have. Lets take a look, shall we...?

It's been a while since I've picked up anything by Guy N. Smith and 'The Slime Beast' was cheap(ish) on eBay so... Here it is :o) And as it happens, I'm reading it right now so look out for a post sometime next week.

I've been meaning to read 'A Crown for Cold Silver', for a long time, so finally took the plunge and had myself a copy. This could well be a 'Christmas Holiday Read', I don't know, lets see.

And my copy of 'Shadow Moon' is a result of watching the 'Willow' series on Disney+, I couldn't help myself ;o) I'm also keen to see if it's as bad as everyone seems to think it is (I've never read it myself) so it could well be another 'Christmas Holiday Read'. Maybe...

And I saw these, couple of hours ago, in the British Heart Foundation shop and had to get them. I've got vague plans of reading through the entire series in order so don't expect a post on these any time soon. One day though, one day...

And that's your lot while I'm waiting for more books to (finally) arrive. If there's anything here that catches your eye, or if you've read 'Shadow Moon' and want to tell me not to bother, just leave a comment and let me know what you're thinking... ;o)


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