Books for the TBR Pile... 'End of the Day' Edition

Yep, this post is pretty late in the day (what's left of it!) but I slept for half the day and then I was hanging out with my kids, and assorted pets (there are only two but it feels like more sometimes...) for the rest of it. All good fun :o) With what's left of the day then, lets take a quick look at the books that have arrived at mine this week...

And it will be a quick look as there weren't that many books arriving this week. It doesn't look like it but I'm trying to cut back on the ol' book buying and read what's already in my flat. That said, there are always a few books that catch my eye, books like these...

I've been very much enjoying the 'Empire Army' books and these two books round off the collection. As ever, I've got a few other books that I need to read first but I have a feeling that these two will feature sooner rather than later ;o) 'Warrior Priest' will be a re-read, after several years, so I know there's a good read waiting for me there.

Given the large pile of comic books next to my bed, you would have thought I'd just stick with those but oh no... ;o) 'Coda: Volume One' was a bit of a treat after a rough day in the office, I've been meaning to read it for a while so expect a post over the next week or so. And 'Weirdworld'... I actually read the first issue years ago, and enjoyed it, but never managed to finish the series so when Twitter recommended it to me (thanks @AnthonyPerconti) it wasn't a hard choice to make. Again, you can expect a post over the next week or so.

And that's your lot for this week, at least as far as new books are concerned. Have you read any of these? If so, let me know what you think in the comments ;o)


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